Whole Family Wellness
Do you want to take an integrative approach to your family’s health?
Are you interested in adding a Naturopathic Doctor to your comprehensive healthcare team?
There is nothing more empowering than taking an active role in your family’s health. Whether it be by creating positive dietary habits, incorporating basic supplements to support overall health and immune function, or learning lifestyle strategies that can benefit both adults and kids alike, a Naturopathic Doctor can help. Dr. Shelly Ordon, N.D. believes that small changes can make big differences and you have to start somewhere. She will provide a comprehensive assessment for each family member to understand each persons health history and create a strategic family treatment plan that incorporates dietary, lifestyle and strategic supplement recommendations. She will review current bloodwork to ensure values are not simply "in the normal range," but are truly optimal. She will request additional testing if necessary.
Dr. Shelly Ordon, N.D. often works with families to:
Support immune health
Prevent chronic disease
Optimize cognitive health
Address acute and chronic conditions
Medicine is multifactorial and there is a time and place for everything. Dr. Shelly Ordon, N.D. works integratively with Medical Doctors and other healthcare professionals when needed so that patients can feel their best everyday.
To learn more about how Dr. Shelly Ordon, N.D. can support your family's health, book your FREE consultation today. Visits are available online or in person and are covered by extended health insurance.