Pregnancy Support
You just found out you're pregnant...now what?
If this is your first pregnancy, you may be filled with a range of emotions and several questions. Which foods should you eat and which should you avoid? What medications or supplements are safe to take? Is there any way of ensuring baby is healthy?
No two people are alike and no two pregnancies are alike either. Having a Naturopathic Doctor on your health care team during pregnancy is a safe and effective way of optimizing your pregnancy outcomes, reducing unwanted symptoms commonly associated with pregnancy, and preparing your body for labour and delivery.
Dr. Shelly Ordon, N.D. works with pregnant women and their healthcare providers throughout each trimester. By providing nutrition and supplement support, Dr. Shelly, N.D. will ensure you are taking all the right steps to nourish you and your baby and optimize your pregnancy outcomes. She will incorporate nutritional supplements, herbs, acupuncture, homeopathy and lifestyle counselling if and when necessary to reduce and eliminate unwanted symptoms experienced in pregnancy. The goal is for you to feel your best from beginning to end. She is excited to offer My Healthy Pregnancy Plan for all expecting birthing people.
Common concerns treated by Dr. Shelly Ordon, N.D:
Miscarriage prevention
Morning sickness
Digestive system changes including constipation, diarrhea and heartburn
Headaches and migraines
Low back pain and sciatica
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
Restless Legs
Healthy weight gain
Gestational Diabetes prevention and support
Group B Streptococcus prevention and support
Yeast infections and UTI's
Cholestasis prevention and support
Breech positioning
Natural labour induction
C-section preparation and support
My Healthy Pregnancy Plan is a comprehensive pregnancy support program created by Dr. Shelly, N.D.. It is offered online or in person and is covered by Extended Health Insurance. Book your FREE consultation to learn more.