Prebirth and Labour Support
Are you planning for a vaginal birth?
Regardless if your goal is to have an unmedicated or medicated birth or home birth or hospital birth, pre-birth and labour support can be extremely useful for both the birthing parent and her partner. It can help to reduce stress and anxiety about the birth experience, optimize the position of the baby and naturally induce labor.
Offered starting at 33 weeks pregnancy, Dr. Shelly Ordon uses nutrition, nutritional supplementation, acupuncture, moxabustion and homeopathy as part of her Pre-birth and Labour Support Program. For couples that aim to have an unmedicated birth, she teaches various acupressure points to couples so that the labour itself is more efficient and manageable.
You Can Expect:
A comprehensive initial assessment
A unique treatment plan designed specifically for you
Decreased stress and anxiety about your birth experience
Increased confidence in your birth plan
Pain management techniques regardless on if you plan on a medicated or unmedicated birth
Labour Induction Acupuncture (optional)
A more efficient labor
To learn more about Dr. Shelly’s Pre Birth and Labor Support Program, Click Here. Visits are available online or in person and are covered by extended health insurance, under naturopathic medicine.