Postpartum Hormone Reset
Have you recently had a baby?
The postpartum period is HARD. You’re running on hormones and no sleep all while trying to navigate breastfeeding, bond with your baby and adjust to being a family of 3 or 4 or more.
The first 3 months after birth is called the 4th Trimester but the postpartum period can last up to 4 YEARS. One of the major obstacles many postpartum women face is overall hormone imbalance. Thyroid functioning is often affected with many experiencing a condition called Postpartum Thyroiditis – inflammation of the thyroid. Stress levels are at an all-time high and sleep is at an all time low. Estrogen and progesterone are significantly reduced as soon as baby enters the world and oxytocin surges immediately to compensate for their drop. Whether you are breastfeeding or not, prolactin, the breastfeeding hormone, is high and ultimately everything is all over the place. It’s a LOT.
Dr. Shelly Ordon, N.D. created the Postpartum Hormone Reset program as a way to help women rebalance their hormones and ultimately, successfully recover during the postpartum period. She provides every patient with a comprehensive initial assessment, recommends both blood work and specialized testing if necessary to identify what specific hormones need to be addressed and managed, and creates a comprehensive and strategic treatment plan that is unique for every patient. Every treatment plan created by Dr. Shelly, N.D. includes dietary recommendations, nutritional and botanical supplementation, acupuncture, homeopathy and lifestyle counselling. She often works integratively with Medical Doctors and other health care providers to ensure the highest quality of care for her patients.
Signs of Hormone Imbalance:
Postpartum Blue’s
Postpartum Anxiety or Depression
Hair Loss
Chronic Fatigue
Brain Fog
Dizziness or Light Headedness
Recurring infections
Low Libido
Weight Gain or Difficulty Losing Weight
Menstrual Irregularities
Unsure if your hormones need a Reboot?
Book your FREE consultation with Dr. Shelly Ordon, N.D. today. Visits are available online or in-person and are covered by Extended Health Insurance.