Naturopathic Doula Services
Are you considering hiring a birth doula but trying to figure out exactly what they do and if they are worth the investment? It is definitely a question worth investigating!
A birth doula provides expecting parents with professional knowledge, tools and support to ensure a positive birth experience throughout pregnancy, labour and birth.
Dr. Shelly is proud to offer Doula Services in addition to Naturopathic Care. She integrates her expertise in nutrition, nutritional supplementation, botanical medicine, acupuncture and homeopathy with labour support education and management. Unlike traditional birth doulas who receive 16-hours of labor support education, Dr. Shelly has received over 5,700 hours of training including obstetrical and pediatric education as well as basic sciences, similar to that of a conventional medical doctor. She is also the co-founder of Naturopathic Doula Group and works with a team of Naturopathic Doulas throughout the GTA.
Published studies show that women who receive birth support, both prior to and during labour:
Are more likely to give birth spontaneously
Experience shorter labour times
Are less likely to use pain medication
Are less likely to have a c-section delivery
Are 2 times less likely to have an assisted vaginal delivery (i.e. forceps or vacuum delivery)
Are more likely to involve the father at the labour
Are less likely to experience birth complications
Are 4 times less likely to have low-birth weight babies
Are more likely to have higher 5-minute Apgar scores
Are more likely to report a higher self-esteem
Experience greater success with breastfeeding
Are less likely to suffer from postpartum depression
Are 100% more likely to report a positive birth experience!
To learn more about Naturopathic Doula Services offered by Dr. Shelly Ordon, N.D. and her team, visit Naturopathic Doula Group